Following a very successful 'Journey through Space' event with Dr Patrick Harkness in 2013, St Patrick's Church, Ballyclog, is excited to be hosting another 'world class' space and faith event at 7.00pm on Friday 8th March. The guest speakers include some of the biggest names in Ireland and the UK in astronomy and space science: Professor Michael Burton, Director of the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, and Professor Monica Grady CBE who is a world expert on meteorites and an adviser to NASA & the European Space Agency's Mars Recovery Mission programme. The evening will be a great opportunity to be inspired about the wonders of space, and also to view the night sky with telescopes provided by the Irish Astronomical Association.
Both the Archbishops of Armagh will form part of a special guest panel to explore questions about science and faith, and 'How the heavens declare the glory of God!' (Psalm 19:1) All are welcome, including young people wondering about a career in space science and anyone who wants to bring their own telescope to view the night sky under the direction of leading amateur Astronomer Terry Moseley.
for a location map of Ballyclog Parish Church click here